Sunday, February 24, 2013

Task 2

Manage own learning and personal development, including using time management and organisational skills, with a focus on lifelong learning and professional development.

Every well-known and successful person has some good habits which led them to successful world such as time management, personal development and organisational skills. Well like these kind of people we need to follow the same path to be in that place. So let’s start with time management, time management is dividing our time in such way that we can give more time to important stuff and some less time to not important stuff. Personal development covers our mental as well as physical development such as thinking logically, decision maker etc. and organizing our skills which means collecting different small skills in one big form in order to get achievement.   

Task 1

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to computing and computer applications.

Demonstrating our knowledge and skills to our friend or other people means make them to know about what these knowledge and skills means regarding facts, concepts, principles and theories related to computing  and computer application as well as how they are useful in our daily life. I am pretty much sure that I understand it in the same way such as concepts which means the basic ideas about what is computer applications and other computer thing related to computing.